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Animation Demo Reel
This is my animation demo reel for my final month at Full Sail University.
Iron Horn punching Zepp
This is an animation of Iron Horn punching Zepp and escaping the castle with the princess. I also created the fire and smoke effects in maya.
Confused to angry
This is an animation I made to try matching the emotion and lip movements of an audio file.
Zepp main menu idle animation
This is the animation I created for the game Rolliverse. It is an idle animation for Zepp. It's actually comprised of two separate animations that loop so you can loop either animation as many times as you want.
Monja Run Animation
This is an npc in Rolliverse called a Monja. He's like a monkey. He runs on all of his limbs, but walks upright. I modeled, rigged, textured, and animated this guy.
Monja Walk Animation
This is the walk animation for the Monja enemy in Rolliverse.
Monja idle animation
This is the idle animation for the Monja enemy in Rolliverse.
Monja pickup animation
This is the animation for when the Monja picks up Zepp.
Monja Shake Animation
After the Monja picks up Zepp, he shakes him around. You have to keep tapping the screen to get the Monja to let go of Zepp. If you keep letting the Monja shake you, he will keep doing continuous damage.
Rodillo idle animation
This is an npc in Rolliverse called a Rodillo. When you tap on them, they roll up into a ball and when you move Zepp, they move as well. This is his idle animation. I modeled, rigged, textured, and animated this character.
Tukling Flying Animation
These are a couple of animations I made for an enemy in Rolliverse. The Tukling flies around and if you're underneath him, he will fly down and hurt you. I modeled, rigged, textured, and animated this character.
Ryko Rex Animations
These are some animations I made for an enemy in Rolliverse. This is his idle animation and his attacking slam animation. I modeled, rigged, textured, and animated this character.
Urnu Animations
These are the animations for another enemy in Rolliverse. The Urnu sleeps until you get near it. It will then chase you, push you away, and walk back to his original area. I modeled, rigged, textured, and animated this character.
Cleo Idle Animation
This is the shop owner in Rolliverse. He's a cosmic cat with a cigar named Cleo. He's awesome. I modeled, rigged, textured, and animated this rad cat.
Cleo smoke blowing animation
These are a couple of animations for Cleo of him blowing smoke and saying "cheers."
Iron Horn Idle Animation
This is Iron Horn's idle animation in his boss fight.
Iron Horn jump animation
This is how Iron Horn jumps around the map in the boss fight.
Iron Horn shoot animation
This is Iron Horn shooting. The part where his arm flies back can be repeated depending on how many shots you want him to fire off.
Iron Horn Hammer Swipe Animation
This is one of Iron Horn's attacks. A horizontal hammer swipe.
Iron Horn Hammer Slam
With this attack, Iron Horn will shatter parts of the ground, creating hazards that the player will have to look out for.
Sir Snoffles Idle Animation
This is Sir Snoffles' idle animation. He has a constant cold, which makes him sneeze out toxic snot.
Sir Snoffles Sneeze Animation
This is Sir Snoffles' sneezing animation. He shoots his toxic snot super far.
Purp Idle Animation
This is Purp. He's a poison gas cloud that thrives on pollution. Since this is for a mobile game, we opted to go with actual moving geometry for his little bubbles instead of having particles constantly emitting from him. So I modeled the little bubbles as separate pieces and rigged/animated them so that they just go out, scale to zero, then reappear inside of Purp.
Murlock Animation MOCAP Fix
This is a character a client needed me to fix the animation for. It was MOCAP animation and the rig it was applied to didn't look very nice. I adjusted the joint weighting in Maya and corrected the MOCAP animation using Motion Builder.
Shooting Hoops MOCAP Fix
This is a correction/enhancement of MOCAP animation I did. The red character on the left was the original MOCAP animation and the character on the right is the one I fixed up.
MOCAP: Napoleon Dynamite Scene
This is a scene from Napoleon Dynamite I recreated using several Motion Capture clips for each character. I blended the clips together and corrected MOCAP animation using Motion Builder, then I applied it to the models in Maya so that I could make their mouths move using their Maya rigs.
Secret Agent ANT: Suave Walk
This is an animation I created of this ant dude walking real smooth into a top-secret rescue of a female ant.
Antilda is Tired of Waiting
This is an animation I made of Antilda growing impatient waiting for Secret Agent ANT to rescue her.
Ant Guy Walk Animation
This is an animation I made of this Ant dude walking over to press a button.
Ant Guy's Fish is Dead
A pantomime animation I made to show a shift in emotion. Ant Guy happily walks over to feed his fish only to discover he's gone belly-up.
Shoving a Box off a Cliff
An animation I made to demonstrate anticipation, follow through, and weight. I animated the character and the box.
Hammer Slam
This is a quick animation I made of a character slamming a hammer. I was practicing getting a character to actually look like he was swingins. something heavy.
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